Tuesday, April 22, 2008


So... yesterday officially started my last week here at the U.



Are you surprised that I'm happy?

heh... yeah... me, too XD

Also, yesterda I read 'Intensity' by Dean Koontz


o my freaking POO!!

The title isn't misleading... I recommend the book :]

So, along with this theme of 'Intensity', this past Sunday I was talking to my brother, Kenny, who said it is highly possible for him to be granted access to two (2) tickets to the premiere of 'Twilight'.


Have you control of your breathing yet?

Alrighty then...

1. He might not get them... but chances are good that he will get them.
2. No, he won't be giving them to me.
3. He will be going with his wife.
4. No, I do not know who I'd have to knock-off to get tickets for myself (or you, were you a cohort in said crime).
5. Don't ask me to harass him to give them to you... I'm already doing that for myself... unsuccessfuly...
6. No, he will not bring me home Kellan Lutz........ *grumbles* stupidgoodfornothingolderbrothers *grumbles*

Have a wonderful day


1 comment:

preston. shawnee. cohen. said...

Erica I love Twilight soooo much too!! I'm in the middle of reading Eclipse right now and I can't even put it down! Can't wait the movie, Jealous he has tickets. ha