Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Favor to Ask...

My brother, David (the younger) broke his big toe the other day.

He took some pain meds for it.

Had an allergic reaction to it.

Now he looks like Will Smith in 'Hitch'... sans the happy-go-lucky.

So, I have a wee favor to ask...

Please include him in your prayers.

Coming from someone who knows what it's like to break multiple bones (including both feet) my heart breaks for him. I suppose it helps that he's my brother and I love him... but still

Regardless of family ties, please


Pray for him.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008


So... yesterday officially started my last week here at the U.



Are you surprised that I'm happy?

heh... yeah... me, too XD

Also, yesterda I read 'Intensity' by Dean Koontz


o my freaking POO!!

The title isn't misleading... I recommend the book :]

So, along with this theme of 'Intensity', this past Sunday I was talking to my brother, Kenny, who said it is highly possible for him to be granted access to two (2) tickets to the premiere of 'Twilight'.


Have you control of your breathing yet?

Alrighty then...

1. He might not get them... but chances are good that he will get them.
2. No, he won't be giving them to me.
3. He will be going with his wife.
4. No, I do not know who I'd have to knock-off to get tickets for myself (or you, were you a cohort in said crime).
5. Don't ask me to harass him to give them to you... I'm already doing that for myself... unsuccessfuly...
6. No, he will not bring me home Kellan Lutz........ *grumbles* stupidgoodfornothingolderbrothers *grumbles*

Have a wonderful day


Friday, April 11, 2008

A Walk in the Park

Uhm.... I have been a temporary Administrative Assistant (to the Director of Pharmacy) at the University of Utah Hospital since December 10, 2007.

I found out yesterday morning that I am being replaced.

I was quite an angered when I initially found out.
But now... not so much.

I actually feel great about it; I can't wait to leave!

Not that the job is/was anything bad; I mean, I get paid upwards of $13/hr. to answer a phone and read all day!!... Nothing to sneeze at.

But, I don't think I am meant to stay up here. I mean, of course I never thought I would work up here for the rest of my existance, but still.

I just feel that Heavenly Father wants something else for me.

I had prayed and prayed, and worked so hard to get up here, and I couldn't understand why Heavenly Father wouldn't just let me have what I wanted.

Now I do.

I had to learn some things.

About life



Now I understand.

I don't know why it has taken so long for this to hit home, but now I finally comprehend the act of letting Heavenly Father work through you; allowing His will to be done.

The things that I wanted were not bad. They just weren't meant for me.

And I pestered Him enough about it that He let me have them, even though these things were not what I was supposed to be doing.

I have no plan now.

I do not know where I am going to find another job.

I do not know where I am going to go to school.

Or how I will fund said schooling.

I do not know about alot of things. But of one thing my faith in and knowledge of will not waiver: Lose yourself in the service of God. He will never lead you astray. He will take you by the hand and guide you to where you need to be. And if you are doing what He wants with the right intent, he will guide your tongue so as to bear testimony to those who need to hear it.

I know this.

I trust in Him with all my heart.

I love Him.

And that is really all there is to it.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Yum! :]

I recieved my tax return today!!!!

All $411 of it!!



uhm... lets see.........

i dont know... i'm just really excited about my tax return... felt like telling someone.

i love heath ... yum... there's something about chocolate covered toffee

i burned my tongue today... and also the roof of my mouth. :(( <-- double sad

I'm going to the morning session of General Conference, Sunday!!!

*dances* ^^


that is all

-me :]

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I am a Sinner

Yes, I know... I have neglected you for far too long.

Here we go...

I got a letter from BYU yesterday


My application was denied.

I have so many reasons, excuses, and gripes

but I thought about this more rationally today

it's alright

I don't need BYU

there are plenty of other schools out in this vast world

though I would still like to be a cougar.

I'm really confused right now. I don't know what to do, where to go, or how to begin to pick up the pieces of my shattered academic career.

This is hard for me; I've been working and praying and trying to find my way for the past 2+ years and I thought I had something. Come to find out that it was just thrown back in my face.

Feels great.

This has caused me to take a step back and assess myself.

Many a tear was shed last night, not just over the ill decision BYU made, but at other aspects of my life as well.

Mostly family stuff, dating stuff, work, school, money, church... all that wonderful jazz.

I'm feeling pretty sad right now.




Like I've let down... well... pretty much everyone, mostly myself.

I want to make my parents proud, but I haven't given them anything to be proud of.

I'm 19 1/3 years old... I'm not in school. I work 8-5 M-F. I've been stood up on more dates than I've actually been out on. My social life is comparable to that of a rock.

I feel like running away to Mexico or something.

Just clear out my savings account and disappear.

I'll buy a toothbrush when I get there.