Friday, August 22, 2008

Boys are DUMB!!! o.0

So... we were totally just HAD by our neighbors in B10!!!

They (4 crazy guys) come a knockin' at our door and say that they are supposed to move in here. That they just checked in and were told to move their junk into C16. And then they proceeded to tell us that we moved into the wrong apartment! That they just got back from Iraq and had reserved this particular apartment over a year ago!

And we totally bought it!!!

So we invited them in for until they could get ahold of the night manager cuz we didn't want them outside all alone and cold and.. blah blah blah...

But they refuse a sit on our couch and leave.... and then the cute one.. the 'spokesman' if you will, of the group comes back not even one minute later and tells us that we were just punk'd!!!

They live in B10 (right across the freaking grass patch from us!!!) and they just wanted to tell us that they were single.


Boys are dumb

Case and point.


Chrisanne Serafin said...

oh my gosh! Thats so funny!
Much love to that story.

Stephanie Lyn :) said...

hahahaha!! That would be awkward! That's funny though!

preston. shawnee. cohen. said...

Hahaha! This is way funny? Who were they... I might possibly know them?